
Japan Improves By Preparing Destroyers For Its Military Needs – According to Global Fire Power, the Japanese military is ranked 4th as the strongest military in the world. The Japanese military has a strength index of 0.1599. In the 4th position, however, Japan does not have as many military personnel as the United States, Russia, China, and India militaries. The personnel owned by […]

Japan Improves By Preparing Destroyers For Its Military Needs Read More »

Hospital Assist Ship As The Most Beautiful Gift From TNI & PT.PAL Indonesia On The 77th Anniversary of Indonesian Independence Learning from the case of the Covid-19 pandemic, Indonesia is committed to strengthening adequate health facilities to remote corners of the archipelago. For this reason, through PT. PAL, the Indonesian Navy (TNI) Navy (AL) is trying to make it happen by designing a Hospital Auxiliary Ship. BRS). The ship, which was named “dr. Wahidin

Hospital Assist Ship As The Most Beautiful Gift From TNI & PT.PAL Indonesia On The 77th Anniversary of Indonesian Independence Read More »

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